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Lindsay Trott

We usually hold 6 Speaker Evenings a year, on the first Thursday night of the month, on each even month. Ie February, April, June, August, October, and December. Expert speakers cover topics of a marine or environmental nature, providing fascinating info ...

picking up cigarette butts HMB

Cigarette Ban

Bayside Council is planning to ban cigarette smoking on beaches in Bayside, as well as the Brighton Dunes and Ricketts Point area. Sandringham Foreshore Association is leading a campaign to extend this ban to all the foreshore areas of Bayside, in ...



URGENT: Sign the petition to stop Environment Minister Sussan Ley rushing through damaging changes to our Environment Laws. Just months after more than a billion animals died in the bushfires1, Environment Minister Sussan Ley has announc ...

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Great News on Plastics!

Zero plastics by mid-2020 Bayside City Council premises Single use plastics will no longer be issued from Council’s Corporate Centre and libraries by 30 June 2019. Other Council-owned properties such as community centres and senior citizen centre ...