
News on the Climate Change Emergency.

BECAN – Bayside Emergency Climate Action Network

Over the last few months Beth Jensen represented Marine Care Ricketts Point in an alliance of community groups (BECAN) based in the Bayside local government area that share a common vision of a safe climate for all in a healthy and sustainable environment.

Beth helped to prepare a comprehensive submission comprises ideas and proposals which the broad coalition of Bayside groups hope to see considered and adopted within the Bayside Climate Emergency Action Plan. It expands on the list of priorities identified by Council to date in its communications. Please click on the link to see the full submission. BECAN – CBEAP

Bayside City Councillors Declare a Climate Emergency

Congratulations to all Bayside Councillors, who last night (17/12/19) showed great courage and leadership in unanimously declaring a Climate Emergency.

Councillors themselves strengthened recommendations put to them, and will develop an ambitious Climate Emergency Action Plan.  This will include writing to the Federal government  urging them to take action, and Bayside being carbon neutral by the end of 2020.

Congratulations also to Council officers for all their hard work. We look forward to working with Council in developing the plan and engaging the whole community.

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