Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary is a ‘No Take’ zone.

You cannot take away any natural resources – fish or other marine life, shells, or plant life.

If you see people doing the wrong thing do not try to take any action yourself against them.

Report offences to authorities below:

Fisheries (poachers)                   13 34 74
Parks Vic Ranger                        13 19 63
Police Sandringham                    9521 9099
Bayside Council                          9599 4444

Other useful contacts:

Wildlife Victoria                          1300 094 5356
Zoo’s Marine Response Unit     0447 158 676
Wildlife AWARE                         0412 433 727

Fisheries keep a log of all phone calls to report offences. It is therefore important that you phone them to report offences so that they can build a picture of what is happening. They are quick to respond and take all calls seriously, so please do not hesitate.

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